PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang berpenampilan menarik, memiliki semangat untuk berprestasi, ramah, jujur, ulet, teliti dan inovatif serta mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai berikut :
1. Kualifikasi dan Persyaratan Administrasi :
Kualifikasi Umum
• WNI, Pria / Wanita, belum menikah ;
• Berpenampilan menarik ;
• Usia maksimum 25 tahun per tgl. 31 Desember 2012 ;
• Tinggi Badan (TB) : Tinggi badan : Laki-laki min. 160 cm dan Perempuan min. 155 cm; Berat Badan (BB) proporsional.
Kualifikasi Khusus
• Teller
Pendidikan minimal D1, IPK Min. 2.75 (skala 4.00)) ;
• Customer Service
Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan, IPK. Min. 2.75 (skala 4.00) ;
Dokumen lamaran :
• Surat lamaran yang ditandatangani oleh pelamar;
• Pas foto berwarna terbaru, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar ;
• Foto seluruh badan berwarna terbaru ukuran postcard dengan pakaian sopan dan rapi sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar ;
• Foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku ;
• Foto copy ijazah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh yang berwenang;
• Asli daftar riwayat hidup
2. Tata Cara Pendaftaran
Berkas Pendaftaran :
• Surat lamaran diketik atau ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam dan dibubuhkan tandatangan pelamar, ditujukan Kepada :
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
u.p. Panitia Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Tahun 2012
• Pasfoto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6, sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar ;
• Foto seluruh badan berwarna terbaru ukuran postcard dengan pakaian
• Foto seluruh badan berwarna terbaru ukuran postcard dengan pakaian sopan dan rapi sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar ;
• Foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku ;
• Foto copy ijazah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh yang berwenang;
• Asli daftar riwayat hidup
Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :
• Jadwal penyampaian berkas lamaran ke Kantor Cabang pilihan pelamar sekaligus Seleksi Administrasi untuk posisi Teller Staff dan Consumer Service Staff adalah tanggal 28 November – 08 Desember 2012
• Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam amplop berwarna cokelat dengan membubuhkan kode lamaran pada amplop sebelah kiri atas (Teller Staff (TL), Consumer Service Staff (CS)).
• Berkas Lamaran diantar langsung oleh pelamar ke Kantor Bank BTN sebagai berikut (sesuai dengan pilihan pelamar):
No. Kantor Wilayah
Seleksi Alamat Kantor Bank BTN
1 KC Ambon Jl. Said Perintah No. 21-22, Ambon
2 KC Bandar Lampung Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 80-88 Bandar Lampung 35215
3 KC Bandung Jl. Jawa No. 7, Bandung 40117
4 KC Banjarmasin Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 4, Banjarmasin 70111
5 KC Batam Jl. Engku Putri No. 1, Batam Center, Batam
6 KC Bekasi Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 19, Bekasi
7 KC Bengkulu Jl. S. Parman No. 32, Bengkulu
8 KC Bogor Jl. Pengadilan No. 13-15, Bogor
9 KC Cilegon Jl. Tirtayasa Komplek Bonakarta, Cilegon
10 KC Denpasar Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 2, Denpasar 80114
11 KC Jakarta Harmoni Jl. Gajah Mada No. 1, Harmoni, Jakarta Pusat
12 KC Jambi Jl. Sultan Thaha No 119, jambi 36113
13 KC Kendari Jl. A. Yani, Komp. A. Yani Square Blok A6-7, Kendari
14 KC Makassar Jl. Kajaolalido No. 4, Makassar 90111
15 KC Manado Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 56, Manado
16 KC Medan Jl. Pemuda No. 10 A, Medan 20151
17 KC Pangkalpinang Jl. Mayor Syafrie Rachman No. 21, Pangkal Pinang 33132
18 KC Pekanbaru Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 393, Pekanbaru 28116
19 KC Pontianak Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 29, Pontianak
20 KC Samarinda Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 1, Samarinda 75128
21 KC Surabaya Jl. Pemuda No. 50, Surabaya 60271
22 KC Tangerang Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 1, Tangerang
23 KC Ternate Jl. Zainal Abidin Syah No. 41, Ternate
a. Hanya pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil dan akan diikutsertakan dalam proses tahapan seleksi selanjutnya
b. Proses seleksi menggunakan SISTEM GUGUR dan keputusan seleksi bersifat MUTLAK serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Kamis, 29 November 2012
ENGINEER Instalasi Microwave
Kami adalah perusahaan jasa telekomunikasi yang berkembang pesat, sedang banyak membutuhkan kandidat untuk posisi:
If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit your CV/resume and recent photograph, not later than December 30, 2012 to:
HRD Manager
Komp. Golden Plaza Blok J-5
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 15 Jakarta Selatan 12420
- Pria, usia max 30
- Pendidikan minimum S1 Teknik Elektro Telekomunikasi
- Freshgraduate/pengalaman 2 tahun, min. IPK 2.8
- Memiliki Sim A yang masih berlaku
- Mengerti radio trunking dan conventional
- Memahami Instalasi Microwave
- Dapat bekerja diketinggian
- Bersedia ditugaskan keluar kota
- Memahami dasar – dasar K3
If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit your CV/resume and recent photograph, not later than December 30, 2012 to:
HRD Manager
Komp. Golden Plaza Blok J-5
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 15 Jakarta Selatan 12420
Technical Support (TS) MASTER WEB NETWORK, PT
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang web hosting dan Web Development diJakarta Selatan membuka kesempatan karir untuk posisi-posisi sebagai berikut:
Technical Support (TS)
Technical Support (TS)
Atau tuliskan kode jabatan di pojok kiri atas untuk via pos CV harus dilampirkan / attachment dalam format dokumen (doc, odt, pdf atau rtf)
Melampirkan hasil scan / copy KTP
Melampirkan (atau hasil scan) pass foto
Dikirimkan paling lambat 15 (lima belas) hari kerja setelah informasi ini ditayangkan
Selain tata cara diatas lamaran tidak akan diproses
HRD PT Master Web Network
Gedung Cyber Lt. 10
Jl. Kuningan Barat 8
Jakarta Selatan 12710
Telp. 021 5266899
Faks. 021.5276899
- Pria / Wanita maksimal 27 tahun
- Freshgraduate S1 atau minimal D3
- Belum menikah
- Bersedia bekerja dalam shift (pagi/sore/malam)
- Mengerti penggunaan aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan internet,seperti: email, browser, FTP client, SSH, YM/chat, dll.
- Mampu menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi internet lainnya.
- Mengerti OS LINUX dan konsep LAN
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Dapat bekerja dalam tim
Atau tuliskan kode jabatan di pojok kiri atas untuk via pos CV harus dilampirkan / attachment dalam format dokumen (doc, odt, pdf atau rtf)
Melampirkan hasil scan / copy KTP
Melampirkan (atau hasil scan) pass foto
Dikirimkan paling lambat 15 (lima belas) hari kerja setelah informasi ini ditayangkan
Selain tata cara diatas lamaran tidak akan diproses
HRD PT Master Web Network
Gedung Cyber Lt. 10
Jl. Kuningan Barat 8
Jakarta Selatan 12710
Telp. 021 5266899
Faks. 021.5276899
Rabu, 28 November 2012
3g rf optimization jobs at United Arab Emirates
3g WCDMA UMTS Optimisation Job
Salary should be $7,500 a month
Location Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Region: Middle East
Education Bachelor's Degree
Job Reference ARCM-RF-UAE
Details AIRCOM International is an independent provider of network management tools and services. The market leader in the provision and deployment of network engineering tools, AIRCOM products are in use across 135+ countries by over half the world's mobile operators.
This is a one year renewable contract, working with top one operator in teh middle-east, very good opportunity for those who want to get experience on LTE.
Role Description
The main role of the individual is to provide consulting services to network operators, vendors and regulators on a variety of projects worldwide.
The RF Consultant will be responsible for the execution of the Radio Optimization of the network. He will deliver tasks and coordination activities on the detailed level RF optimization of the project and coordination with the Detailed Radio Optimization Targets and the customer relevant departments.
A professional engineer with at least 5 years of experience in the mobile communications industry.
Strong technical skills (GSM and WCDMA) will be a requirement to enable the delivery of projects spanning many technical disciplines and technologies.
Interpersonal skills must be strong to impart confidence to both the client and the team.
Primary Technical Skillsets
o Deep understanding on mobile networks technologies including GSM and WCDMA networks
o Full set of project management skills as per the requirement of the project
Additional Technical Skillsets
o General knowledge of 2G and 3G CS and PS Core Networks that include, design, rollout, implementation and optimisation
o General knowledge on IP Backbone that include, design, rollout, implementation and optimisation for networks supporting UMTS and LTE mobile layers
o General knowledge of 2G, 3G, access, IP backbone, BH, Network Design, Management and Optimisation
Strong experience in working on technical Teams
Excellent technical and non technical report writing skills
Excellent communication skills
Creation and delivery of technical and pre-sales presentations
Radio Optimization responsibilities
o Support on development of link budget analysis and nominal plan definitions and guidelines
o Measure, evaluate and improve Network KPIs
o Detailed troubleshooting of network performance
o Definition of technical requirements as per specific services to be deployed accordingly to commercial input of services to be provided, areas to be attended and subscribers to be served
o Produce guidelines for effective optimization
o Analysis of Existing Nominal Plan (NP) based on regional inputs, and to ensure that all planned activities are carried out timely to achieve regional rollout targets.
o Development of process and procedures for effective RF Optimization
o Maintenance of Planning Tools To ensure the Planning Data in Planning Tool as per developed nominal plan to be handed over to rollout teams
o Project Milestones To ensure quality and timely completion of all Technical documents for rollout as per the SLA.
Ability of working under pressure and to be able to achieve tight targets
At least 5 years relevant industry experience
Ordinarily possess relevant degree and / or post graduate qualifications on engineering field related with telecommunications
Send you CVs to
Salary should be $7,500 a month
Location Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Region: Middle East
Education Bachelor's Degree
Job Reference ARCM-RF-UAE
Details AIRCOM International is an independent provider of network management tools and services. The market leader in the provision and deployment of network engineering tools, AIRCOM products are in use across 135+ countries by over half the world's mobile operators.
This is a one year renewable contract, working with top one operator in teh middle-east, very good opportunity for those who want to get experience on LTE.
Role Description
The main role of the individual is to provide consulting services to network operators, vendors and regulators on a variety of projects worldwide.
The RF Consultant will be responsible for the execution of the Radio Optimization of the network. He will deliver tasks and coordination activities on the detailed level RF optimization of the project and coordination with the Detailed Radio Optimization Targets and the customer relevant departments.
A professional engineer with at least 5 years of experience in the mobile communications industry.
Strong technical skills (GSM and WCDMA) will be a requirement to enable the delivery of projects spanning many technical disciplines and technologies.
Interpersonal skills must be strong to impart confidence to both the client and the team.
Primary Technical Skillsets
o Deep understanding on mobile networks technologies including GSM and WCDMA networks
o Full set of project management skills as per the requirement of the project
Additional Technical Skillsets
o General knowledge of 2G and 3G CS and PS Core Networks that include, design, rollout, implementation and optimisation
o General knowledge on IP Backbone that include, design, rollout, implementation and optimisation for networks supporting UMTS and LTE mobile layers
o General knowledge of 2G, 3G, access, IP backbone, BH, Network Design, Management and Optimisation
Strong experience in working on technical Teams
Excellent technical and non technical report writing skills
Excellent communication skills
Creation and delivery of technical and pre-sales presentations
Radio Optimization responsibilities
o Support on development of link budget analysis and nominal plan definitions and guidelines
o Measure, evaluate and improve Network KPIs
o Detailed troubleshooting of network performance
o Definition of technical requirements as per specific services to be deployed accordingly to commercial input of services to be provided, areas to be attended and subscribers to be served
o Produce guidelines for effective optimization
o Analysis of Existing Nominal Plan (NP) based on regional inputs, and to ensure that all planned activities are carried out timely to achieve regional rollout targets.
o Development of process and procedures for effective RF Optimization
o Maintenance of Planning Tools To ensure the Planning Data in Planning Tool as per developed nominal plan to be handed over to rollout teams
o Project Milestones To ensure quality and timely completion of all Technical documents for rollout as per the SLA.
Ability of working under pressure and to be able to achieve tight targets
At least 5 years relevant industry experience
Ordinarily possess relevant degree and / or post graduate qualifications on engineering field related with telecommunications
Send you CVs to atika.kechekoul@aircominternat
IT Infrastruktur & Networking Supervisor,PT Blue Gas Indonesia CCNA Cert
PT Blue Gas Indonesia
Perusahaan terdepan bidang manufaktur dan distribusi kitchen appliances & gas-refill dengan sistem pemasaran direct selling. Kami membutuhkan kandidat yang dinamis, penuh semangat dan berorientasi pada hasil untuk berkembang bersama kami.
IT Infrastruktur & Networking Supervisor
Jakarta Raya
Jakarta Raya
- Pria, Usia 25 - 35 tahun
- Minimal Bachelor Degree (S1) in Computer Science or Information Technology or related Engineering discipline min GPA is 3.0 (on 4.0 scale)
- Responsible for infrastructure & network management Management of system operations in a linux and windows
- Diutamakan mempunyai sertifikat CCNA dan CCNP
- Kompeten implementing and secure communication networking LAN, WAN, Internet, E-mail ( Web Server, Mail, Router,Firewall )
- Mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik dalam TCP/IP, internet application, networking & data communication
- Mempunyai kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dan sikap yang baik
- Dapat berkerja dalam kelompok maupun perorangan, Hard worker, fast learner, self motivation dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Mempunyai kemampuan khusus dalam Computer skills, Cisco router, switch & firewall, System Linux (Samba, Squid, IP Table, Sebool, Crond, ACL, FTP), Access PointVPN (VPN IP, VPN MPLS, VPN Tunnel, Open VPN), System Windows (Raid, Services), VMWare
- Pengalaman min 1 tahun
Selasa, 27 November 2012
IT Engineer Coal Fired Power Plant
We cordially invite the dedicated and experienced people who will play an important role in the power industry, the economic driving force of Indonesia. PT. KPJB, which consists of KOMIPO and PT. PJB as shareholders, operates and maintains Tanjung Jati B #3-4 (2X660MW) coal fired power plant.
The station is located at Desa Tubanan Kecamatan Kembang, Kabupaten Jepara - Jawa Tengah.
The station is located at Desa Tubanan Kecamatan Kembang, Kabupaten Jepara - Jawa Tengah.
IT Engineer
If you are interested to apply and meet the qualification stated, please submit your complete resume and your recent photograph to:
Human Resources Division
PT Komipo Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
PLTU Tanjung Jati B Unit 3~4
Desa Tubanan, Kec. Kembang
Kabupaten. Jepara 59453 Jateng
- Male, maximum age of 30 years old (per-December 2012).
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or above
- Majoring in Computer Scince or Information Technology
- Must be able to speak and write in English, and having TOEFL certification.
- Solid experience in Java Platform (J2EE), Window Server 2008 administration & Trouble Shooting, Administering mail server & internet related infrastructures.
- Familiar with Data Base, BD2, PhP, MySQL, and Networking Concepts & Configuration Router, Firewall, etc
- Application letter and Curriclum Vitae Document (english version).
- Copy of Highest Graduation Certificate for all accreditations.
- Copy of Academic Transcript for the last education.
- Copy of TOEFL certification (special for Candidates of Bachelor Degree).
- Copy of Resident Identity Card (KTP).
- Copy of valid SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian)
- Copy of Notice letter of Healthy Condition from Puskesmas or Hospital.
- Copy of certificate of working careers (if applicable indicate the duties by period).
If you are interested to apply and meet the qualification stated, please submit your complete resume and your recent photograph to:
Human Resources Division
PT Komipo Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
PLTU Tanjung Jati B Unit 3~4
Desa Tubanan, Kec. Kembang
Kabupaten. Jepara 59453 Jateng
Senin, 26 November 2012
Multinational IT Company
To support our client is multinational IT Company, headquartered in Ohio with representation in more than 90 countries worldwide.
We are seeking expert and dynamic professionals to fulfil the following position :
1. Sales Manager
Requirement :- Bachelor degree in information technology, marketing, economic or others - Having 5 years work experiences in B to B selling with financial sector - Having experience in selling large system integration projects |
2. Senior Accountant
Requirement :- Bachelor degree in Finance, accounting, tax, banking or equivalent - At least 3 years of working experience in the related field - Minimum 2 years experience as an auditor in a certified Public Accounting Firm - Familiar with accounting and financial system - Understanding of US GAAP and comply with SOP and Business Process would be an advantage |
3. Software Developer
Requirement :- Bachelor degree in computer science, electrical engineer or equivalent engineering discipline - Having 2 years work experiences is preferable, but fresh graduates are also welcome to apply - Strong passion in programming in C#, C++ with .NET frameworks is a plus |
4. Account Executive
Requirement :- Bachelor degree and Female - Having 2 years work experiences is preferable, but fresh graduates are also welcome to apply - Excellent communication and diplomacy skills - Posses personal leadership skill and ability to build partners relationship |
There are many benefits and advantage in joining with our clients.
An attractive remuneration and benefits package and overseas training will be offered for the successful candidate.
Please submit your resume, recent photograph immediately to :
All applications will be treated with Strict Confidential.
Please note only short listed candidates will be notified afterwards
Supervisor Technical Engineering Internet Service Provider
We are the first Commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Indonesia, PT. Mithaharum Abadilooking for the qualified candidates to fill the following positions as below :
Supervisor Technical Engineering
Jakarta Raya
Jakarta Raya
- Bertanggung Jawab untuk memimpin dan mengkordinasi tim Tehnical dan Engineering
- Bertanggung Jawab untuk menjaga dan memonitoring kestabilan Jaringan
- Bertanggung Jawab untuk memaintence Jaringan apabila terjadi down atau gangguan
- Bertanggung Jawab untuk memberikan tehnical support selama 24 jam x 7 hari
- Bertanggung Jawab melakukan semua proses Installasi/maintenance/dismantle
- Bertanggung Jawab kepada Operational Manager
- Minimal Lulusan D3
- Pria, Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
- Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan, kreatif dan memberikan disiplin dan loyalitas yang tinggi
- Dapat memotivasi diri sendiri dan dapat bekerja secara indenpenden ataupun dalam tim
- Dapat bekerjasama dengan baik dan menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan tim lainnya.
- Pengalaman Minimal 3 tahun di Bidang Internet Service Provider
Persyaratan Teknis : Menguasai dan Memahami :
- Linux (Ubuntu dan Slackware), Vmware Server, Zimbra Mail Server, Bind DNS Server, ISP Config Hosting, WEB Server, Mysql Server, FTP Server, Samba File Server, What's Up Network Management, PRTG Network Monitor, Network Design dan Topology, Mikrotik (BGP, OSPF, Routing, Bridging, Wireless, Fail Over, Queue, Tunnel), UBNT (Router, Bridging, Wireless), Cisco Switch (2950, 2960G)
We would like to invite you to apply for the above position sending your CV with attached photograph by email to : and and
Jumat, 23 November 2012
PT. Qdc Technologies is a fast growing construction company focusing on telecommunication and power construction projects. Our main customers are from almost all telecommunications operators and PLN. We are currently engaged in several projects at various regions in Indonesia, and are planning to start new projects in Jawa Barat, Sulawesi, Sumatera, dan Kalimantan. To facilitate the company’s business expansion, we are currently in need of strong and passionate professionals to be part of our team as :
- Minimum of 2 years experience in construction.
- Have experience in project transmission/stringing/mini hydro/ substation/manage service/ SCADA
- S1/Bachelor degree, preferable in Power, Telco, Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
- Have knowledge and work experience in PLN or Project transmission/stringing/mini hydro/substation/manage service, would be an advantage
- Have good knowledge of telecommunication/electrical engineering/construction
- Sound management and finance experience preferably in a construction or telecommunications organization.
- Have general & operational management experience in a similar industry or organization.
- Advanced skills and understanding of project management tools, accounting systems and current MS Office products particularly Excel.
- Able to work as a team
- Willing to work hard and under pressure
Note: interview will be conducted in Jakarta.
Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position. Please submit your resume to:
Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position. Please submit your resume to:
Database Administrator at Teradata
Teradata has market-leading technology and solutions in three large and growing markets: data warehousing, big data analytics and integrated marketing management. We help the world’s business leaders realize the power of data.
More than 9,000 employees in 42 countries help over 1,200 customers leverage their data like never before. Our team includes the brightest minds in the industry. Our work environment is fast-paced, flexible and fun and our commitment to excellence extends far beyond the boundaries of our jobs.
We are growing rapidly in Asia Pacific and searching for individuals who are passionate about technology and data to join our career.
Database Administrator
Jakarta Raya
Jakarta Raya
- Join a global MNC and growing business
- Market leading technology
- Regional exposure and travel opportunities
The company
Teradata has market-leading technology and solutions in three large and growing markets: data warehousing, big data analytics and integrated marketing management. We help the world’s business leaders realize the power of data.
More than 9,000 employees in 42 countries help over 1,200 customers leverage their data like never before. Our team includes the brightest minds in the industry. Our work environment is fast-paced, flexible and fun and our commitment to excellence extends far beyond the boundaries of our jobs.
We are growing rapidly in Asia Pacific and searching for individuals who are passionate about technology and data to join our career.
Key responsibilities
The Database Administrator (DBA) requires specific technical knowledge about the administration and control of the data warehouse environment, including the database, operating system, and tools. The DBA will provide services to administer, maintain, and control the data warehouse including the database, operating system, and tools.
- Administration, maintenance, and control of database optimization, capacity, security, configuration, scheduling, errors, and execution of maintenance utilities.
- Administration, maintenance, and control of the operating system, network, and tools.
- Managing data and referential integrity of the database.
- Mentor and interact with other team members and the client for the dissemination of information about the database and system administration.
- Periodic backups of the database and operating system.
- Plan for and support hardware and software installation and upgrades.
- Coordinate and assist in the implementation of data replication and distribution.
- The successful applicantMUST HAVE
- Business, IT or related degree or equivalent.
- Minimum of 1 years IT experience in an Application Development/Support Role involving exploitation of an industry leading enterprise level RDBMS Technologies (Teradata, Oracle, DB2).
- Strong knowledge of RDMS Concepts and Techniques
HIGHLY DESIRABLE KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS- In depth knowledge of operations management and control.
- In depth knowledge of data warehousing, Teradata tools, security tools
- In depth knowledge of system management.
Are you passionate about technology & data? Want to grow your career with a market leader? Apply now!
To Apply
Visit where you can view all our open positions and register your interest or register to attend our Open Day on Saturday 1st December at the Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta
Database Administrator at Teradata,
Business System Assistant Manager PT. Agro Harapan Lestari
We are a well established foreign conglomerate having business interest in palm oil plantations, breweries, financial services and leisure. GoodHope Asia Holdings Limited is the groups’ plantations in Indonesia who has a land bank in excess of 100,000 hectares of plantations and mills in several provinces of Indonesia. In line with our expansion plans and commitments for growth, we are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic professionals to be placed in regions of Indonesia.
Business System Assistant Manager [AMBS]
(Jakarta Raya, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah)
(Jakarta Raya, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah)
- Provide 1nd level application support to IT personal at the SPU.
- Escalate support issues to Manager Business systems and 3rd party service provides.
- Test and Apply fixes and patches to business systems on application and database layer level only. (OS Level patch application should be handled through the network admin role).
- Develop user guide documentation for business systems and conduct end user training.
- Develop an extensive knowledge of the business logic of the systems implemented at the RO and SPU.
- Understand the information requirements and the key business drivers from an enterprise standpoint.
- Asses’ information requirements at an enterprise level and escalate to the manager business systems.
- Review business process and recommend re-design models for process optimizations
- Co-lead and manage business systems implementation projects at SPU’s.
- Provide guidance and direction to the business systems support staff at RO and SPU.
- Ensure compliance with standardization guidelines for systems administration related tasks.
- Support the implementation of Information Assest Security Policy and procedures.
- Define and agree with stakeholder on Service Level Agreements(SLA) standards for the optimum performance of business systems across the sector.
- Provide input and track operational budgets.
- Make periodic and ad-hoc performance reports to the Manager Business system/Head of IT.
- Develop extensive technical skills in of database management, configuration, backup and recovery and performance tuning techniques.
- Conduct research and development into ICT industry direction.
- Develop extensive technical skills software development tools and methodologies.
- Transform information requirements into viable solutions to be adopted by the sector for implementation.
- Support business systems implementation projects for new and current SPU’s
- Ensure compliance with standardization guidelines for systems administration related tasks.
- Provide leadership and direction to the Network administrator and other IT staff at SPU.
- Ensure compliance to Service Level Agreements (SLA) standards to be maintain for all business systems implemented at the SPU’s.
- Work towards building a cordial relationship with 3rd party service providers.
- Ensure that cross functional skills development to support the role of the “Business Analyst” and/or “Business Systems Manager functions.
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer/Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology
- Minimum 4 - 5 years of experience in application systems administration and technical support
- preferably in ERP systems such as Oracle Financials, BaaN, SAP, PeopleSoft etc.
- Experience in RDBMS such as Oracle and development tools such as J-developer, Oracle forms and reports or any such rapid development tools and a working knowledge of accounting/finance will be an added advantage.
- Technical Knowledge:
- Operating Systems: Windows Server, Linux,
- RDBMS: SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, Informix/DB2, Progress: Install, configure, tune, monitor and Manage.
- Development tools/Programming: VB.NET/VB, Crystal Reports, Impromptu & Cognos power-play, Oracle-Jdeveloper/Discoverer, Forms, Report, SQL/PL, Java. Shell scripts
or hard copy to address:
Menara Global Building 16th Floor
JI. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 27
Jakarta, 12950 Indonesia
Kamis, 22 November 2012
PT. INTEX TELECOM SYSTEMS INDONESIA Open Vacant additional Position
PT. INTEX TELECOM SYSTEMS INDONESIA Open Vacant additional Position for :
1. Regional Project Manager TI / BTS Area Sumatera & Java (Huawei HCPT Project).
1. Regional Project Manager TI / BTS Area Sumatera & Java (Huawei HCPT Project).
2. TI / BTS Coordinator Area Sumatera & Java (Huawei HCPT Project).
3. TI / BTS Engineer, TL Installer, Installer, Doc. Control & Drafter Area Sumatera & Java (Huawei HCPT Project).
please send CV to
3. TI / BTS Engineer, TL Installer, Installer, Doc. Control & Drafter Area Sumatera & Java (Huawei HCPT Project).
please send CV to
Pusat Pendidikan berskala Nasional SPEC Purwokerto
Sebuah Pusat Pendidikan berskala Nasional membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk posisi:
- Pendidikan minimal S1
- Berkepribadian dan berpenampilan menarik
Sebuah Pusat Pendidikan berskala Nasional membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk posisi:
- Pendidikan minimal S1
- Berkepribadian dan berpenampilan menarik
- Excellent leadership, interpersonal skills and teachable
- English proficient
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (segala jurusan)
- Berkepribadiaan dan berpenampilan menarik
- Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills
- Ramah, komunikatif, berkepribadian,& berpenampilan menarik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Mampu mengoprasikan komputer
- Interpersonal skill, hardworker & teavhable
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat
- Ramah, komunikatif, berkepribadian,& berpenampilan menarik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Mampu mengoprasikan komputer
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat
- Pendidikan tidak diutamakan
- Rajin, ulet, jujur, & bisa bekerja sama.
Kirim langsung surat lamaran sebelum tanggal 01 Desember 2012 ke SPEC Purwokerto
Jl. HR. Bunyamin P2/7, Bancarkembar Purwokerto 53121
- English proficient
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (segala jurusan)
- Berkepribadiaan dan berpenampilan menarik
- Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills
- Ramah, komunikatif, berkepribadian,& berpenampilan menarik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Mampu mengoprasikan komputer
- Interpersonal skill, hardworker & teavhable
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat
- Ramah, komunikatif, berkepribadian,& berpenampilan menarik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Mampu mengoprasikan komputer
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/Sederajat
- Pendidikan tidak diutamakan
- Rajin, ulet, jujur, & bisa bekerja sama.
Kirim langsung surat lamaran sebelum tanggal 01 Desember 2012 ke SPEC Purwokerto
Jl. HR. Bunyamin P2/7, Bancarkembar Purwokerto 53121
Selasa, 20 November 2012
QUALCOMM Senior Engineer UMTS/HSPA Network Optimization, (Indonesia) Jakarta Raya
QUALCOMM CDMA Technologies (QCT) is the largest provider of 3G chipset and software technology in the world, with chipsets shipped to more than 50 customers and powering the majority of all 3G devices commercially available. QCT partners with nearly 60 3G network operators around the globe and has the largest CDMA engineering team in the wireless industry.QCT provides complete chipset solutions and integrated applications from the Launchpad suite of advanced technologies. Our integrated solutions offer device manufacturers reduced bill-of-materials costs, time-to-market, and development time. Mobile handsets powered by QCT chipsets can offer more features while maintaining a smaller, sleeker form-factor and benefiting from reduced power demands.
QCT values collaboration with its customers and partners and works closely with them to enable their success. We offer a wide range of tools to support the device development process, and develop new technologies based on the needs and demands of the wireless market. Devices for all market segments can now include features enabled by 3G wireless technology, in demand by a growing and increasingly sophisticated wireless community.
QCT values collaboration with its customers and partners and works closely with them to enable their success. We offer a wide range of tools to support the device development process, and develop new technologies based on the needs and demands of the wireless market. Devices for all market segments can now include features enabled by 3G wireless technology, in demand by a growing and increasingly sophisticated wireless community.
Senior Engineer UMTS/HSPA Network Optimization
G1904946 (Indonesia)
Jakarta Raya
G1904946 (Indonesia)
Jakarta Raya
Job Function
This engineering position provides an opportunity to work closely with leading wireless operators in South East Asia region, device and network vendors and R&D Teams across the globe on cutting-edge wireless technologies such as UMTS/HSPA. Main responsibilities include wide range of aspects associated with the network design, optimization, performance improvement, network efficiency, capacity management, 3G user experience enhancement, debugging of air-interface and core-network issues of UMTS/HSPA networks, and deriving solutions and recommendations for improvement. Additional areas of responsibility could include wireless system parameter recommendations, participating in new technology inter-operability tests and field trials in conjunction with R&D teams, lab performance studies, authoring white-papers and documents on new wireless technologies and standards.. The candidate should have an academic background in digital communications, wireless and computer communication networks. The successful candidate should have the ability to understand detailed technical design, implementation and issues related to UMTS/HSPA technologies. The candidate should be able to provide onsite support to mobile operators to help roll out and enhance the UMTS/HSPA networks. Position requires significant customer interaction and ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams. Additionally, the position also requires the ability to develop strong relationships with local operators network/performance teams for project engagements. Frequent international travels are required.
- Interact with wireless Operators to investigate and characterize the performance of UMTS/HSPA networks in various aspects ranging from core network, air interface, to devices and applications
- Use handset and network infrastructure based advanced tools to accurately measure existing and potential network performance
- Use in-house simulation platforms written in C/C++/Matlab with live network traffic data and develop solutions to improve network performance & efficiency
- RF and OTA Parametric Optimization and troubleshooting involving the use of various complex data collection and post-processing tools to assess wireless network performance and propose solutions to problems
- RF Network Planning, including propagation model calibration, link budget definition, network planning tool configuration, coverage and capacity planning and network growth dimensioning
- Support operator for development and evaluation of infrastructure vendor RFPs for UMTS/HSPA/LTE networks
- Support development of forward looking solutions to address network operator growth and expansion plans covering all network entities
- Support efforts related to wireless network voice/data capacity estimation and techniques to mitigate/manage cellular network congestion
- Develop tools for extracting data from large data sets for wireless system performance analysis and parameter comparisons
- Develop white-papers, conference contributions, technical memos, new technology training documents and detailed technical presentations. These may be focused on wireless system performance, network parameter optimization, new wireless technology standards or analysis of wireless network/device issues
- Ability to present complex technical ideas and results to multi-level, multi-disciplinary internal and external audiences
- Good understanding of 3GPP protocol standards, call processing of cellular (GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSPA) systems
- Experience with wireless network design and deployment, integration and verification, and system performance test and optimizations
- Proven track record with innovative problem solving and hands-on experience with UMTS/HSPA/LTE network design, network troubleshooting, fine-tuning, and optimization in wireless operator working environment is required
- Experience with data services including knowledge of protocols such as TCP/UDP/IP is required
- Academic course and projects/research work in some of the following areas: Digital Communications, Mobile Communications, Communication Theory/Systems, Error Correcting Codes, Computer networks (TCP/IP), Probability theory & Random processes, and Wireless Networks
- Experience with GSM/GPRS/EDGE is preferred
- Exposure to network planning, measurement and optimization tools such as Atoll, Asset3G, QXDM, TEMS, Ethereal, Actix, Agilent, R&S, PCtel is a plus
- Knowledge of interworking between Intra/Inter 3GPP and 3GPP2 networks is preferred
- Excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills are required.
- Independent as well as good team player with the ability to effectively work with multi-functional engineering teams
- 3+ years of relevant engineering work experience in cellular industry
- LTE knowledge and working experiences a plus
- Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) with focus in Communication Systems or Computer Networks is required.
- MSEE with focus on digital communication and/or computer networks is preferred
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