Minggu, 18 September 2011

Loker Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)

PGN is committed to applying good corporate governance (GCG) as a means of creating a successful business that will provide maximum benefit for the shareholders in an ethical, legal and sustainable manner, while taking into consideration the interests of and justice for other stakeholders.

Towards Achieving the Corporate Vision and Mission
The Company consistently takes the achievement of this corporate vision and mission into consideration in the planning and implementation of all its operations.

The Company takes advantage of key moments such as recruitment, performance evaluation, promotion and transfer to communicate the corporate vision and mission.

Corporate General Strategy
PGN has projected the achievement of its vision through a phased transformation, which begins by strengthening the existing foundations and internal capabilities, followed by an expansion of capabilities in new business areas. These new business areas have been selected to best achieve the strategic objectives of gas supply, strengthening of existing business, increasing profits, optimizing existing capabilities, and diversification beyond the existing business.

The next phase is one of sustainable but aggressive improvement and expansion of the business, with the goal of becoming a world-class company. In 2009, in line with the long-term strategy, PGN executed a number of fundamental strategies, including strengthening the Company’s operational performance and financial position, building a more world class corporate culture, restructuring the organization to be more customer-oriented, and promoting the benefits of natural gas more intensively.

Business Development
PGN has formulated its Long-Term Strategic Plan 2010-2020 and Corporate Business Plan 2010-2014 to guide the Company’s future growth towards the achievement of its vision and mission. Under this framework, the construction of LNG Receiving Terminals and the development and exploitation of CBM and CNG are key areas for development.

LNG Receiving Terminals (LNG RT)
PGN plans to construct LNG RTs in Medan and West Java using LNG Floating Storage and Regasification Terminal technology.

Coal Bed Methane (CBM)
PGN has collaborated with experienced CBM operators and local governments, and has submitted a proposal to USTDA for a grant, which would be used to undertake CBM development studies in South Sumatra and Central Sumatra.

Non-Pipeline Transportation Modes (Inland LNG and CNG)
In support of the blue sky program and the diversification of the business, PGN is developing land-based gas transportation modes, namely inland LNG and CNG. These will be used to distribute gas to markets or industrial zones, particularly those beyond the reach of the natural gas pipeline network.

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi Pelamar Sesuai Posisi



Minimal memiliki ijazah D3 / S1 sesuai Posisi yang dilamar.


Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) Minimal :

a. 3.00 (tiga koma nol nol) untuk jurusan Non - Eksakta

b. 2.75 (dua koma tujuh lima) untuk jurusan Eksakta


Usia Maksimal (per tanggal 1 Januari 2011) :

a. 28 (dua puluh delapan) tahun untuk Pelamar Posisi Senior Staff

b. 25 (dua puluh lima) tahun untuk Pelamar Posisi Staff


Tidak memiliki istri/suami yang berstatus sebagai siswa PPSPCP, Calon Pekerja, maupun Pekerja PGN.


Bersedia tidak menikah dengan sesama pekerja PGN atau salah satu pasangan yang menikah diminta untuk mengundurkan diri.


Bersedia mengikuti seluruh Program Pendidikan yang diwajibkan perusahaan untuk menjadi calon pekerja selama 3 bulan.


Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Operasional PGN apabila diterima bekerja.

Available Position :

» Kualifikasi Pelamar Sesuai Posisi

No. Posisi yang Akan Diisi Kualifikasi
Pendidikan Minimum Jenis Kelamin
Corporate Development :
1 Senior Staff Perencanaan Korporat S1 Teknik Industri / Manajemen Pria
2 Senior Staff Strategi Bisnis S1 Manajemen / Administrasi Bisnis Pria
3 Senior Staff Pengembangan Bisnis S1 Teknik Industri / Manajemen / Administrasi Bisnis / Teknik Kimia / Teknik Perminyakan Pria / Wanita
4 Senior Staff Pengendalian Portofolio S1 Manajemen Keuangan / Akuntansi / Administrasi Bisnis Pria / Wanita
Downstream Management :
5 Staff Penjualan D3 Teknik Kimia Pria / Wanita
Engineering & Construction :
6 Senior Staff Offshore Engineering S1 Teknik Kelautan Pria
7 Senior Staff Piping Engineering S1 Teknik Mesin Pria / Wanita
8 Senior Staff Mechanical Engineering S1 Teknik Mesin Pria / Wanita
9 Senior Staff Instrument Engineering S1 Teknik Fisika Pria / Wanita
10 Senior Staff Civil Engineering S1 Teknik Sipil Pria / Wanita
11 Senior Staff Pengawas Konstruksi S1 Teknik Mesin / Sipil Pria
12 Senior Staff Rancang Bangun S1 Teknik Mesin / Kimia / Sipil Pria / Wanita
13 Senior Staff Teknik dan Tekno Ekonomi S1 Teknik Geodesi / Sipil Pria / Wanita
14 Senior Staff Pembangunan S1 Teknik Sipil / Mesin Pria
15 Senior Staff Instrumentasi Integritas Fasilitas S1 Teknik Kimia Pria / Wanita
16 Senior Staff Mekanikal Integritas Fasilitas S1 Teknik Mesin Pria
17 Staff Pengawas Konstruksi D3 Teknik Sipil / Mesin Pria
18 Staff QA / QC D3 Teknik Sipil / Mesin Pria
Human Capital :
19 Senior Staff Pengembangan Kompetensi S1 Teknik Industri / Manajemen Pria / Wanita
20 Senior Staff SDM S1 Psikologi Pria / Wanita
21 Staff Remunerasi D3 Perpajakan / Akuntansi Pria
22 Staff SDM D3 Manajemen Pria
Legal & Compliance :
23 Senior Staff Hukum S1 Hukum Pria / Wanita
Operation Management :
24 Senior Staff GIS Engineering S1 Geodesi / Geografi Teknik Pria / Wanita
25 Senior Staff Perencanaan & Pengendalian Penyaluran Gas S1 Teknik Kimia Pria
26 Senior Staff Operasi dan Pemeliharaan SCADA & Telekomunikasi S1 Teknik Elektro Pria
27 Senior Staff Operasi dan Pemeliharaan S1 Teknik Mesin / Elektro / Sipil Pria
28 Staff Inspeksi dan Pemeliharaan Jaringan D3 Teknik Mesin Pria
29 Staff Kalibrasi Meter D3 Teknik Mesin Pria
30 Staff Manajemen Informasi Jaringan D3 Teknik Informatika / Manajemen Informatika Pria
31 Staff Operasi dan Pemeliharaan D3 Teknik Mesin / Sipil Pria
32 Staff Pengoperasian Offtake D3 Teknik Elektro Industri / Mesin Pria
33 Staff Gas Kontrol D3 Teknik Elektro Pria
Operational Finance :
34 Staff Penyusunan dan Penetapan Anggaran D3 Akuntansi Pria / Wanita
35 Staff Anggaran D3 Manajemen Keuangan / Akuntansi Pria
36 Staff Keuangan D3 Akuntansi Pria / Wanita
Procurement & Logistic :
37 Staff Gudang D3 Manajemen / Administrasi Pria / Wanita
38 Staff Logistik D3 Manajemen / Administrasi Pria / Wanita
Property Management & General Service :
39 Senior Staff Perencanaan dan Penilaian Aset S1 Akuntansi Pria

Hanya Pelamar yang memiliki kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk proses seleksi . Pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti proses seleksi akan diumumkan pada tanggal 28 September 2011 mulai pukul 16.00 WIB di www.cdc.ugm.ac.id

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