Requirements :
The person should at lease have university degree in Computer Science, or related discipline,with minimum 3 years of related working experience in system operation and maintenance. Specifically, the person should be very familiar with setting up and administrating Unix and Windows operating systems, c#, as well as setting up and maintaining server computers physically. Strong knowledge and experience in software engineering (programming) is an advantage.
The vacant position is only for digital people, you can send your resume by doing point 1 and 2 ( is A MUST) :
1. Using VMS ( Video Message Service ) for taping your Video Profile and follow the instructions(more info visit:
Pelanggan Indosat (Tariff video call : Rp.364/menit)
>>Tekan 336, pilih Video Call, pilih 1 - Menu VMS
>> Rekam Profile anda : Nama Lengkap, Pekerjaan saat ini (dalam waktu +- 15 detik)
>> Kirim ke nomor: 085718 336 336 (only for Indosat Subscribers)
Pelanggan XL (Tariff video call : Rp.1.5 /detik):
>>Tekan 336, pilih Video Call, Menu KIRIM VIDEO - VMS
>> Rekam Profile anda : Nama Lengkap, Pekerjaan saat ini (dalam waktu +- 15 detik)
>> Kirim ke nomor: 0818819336 (only for XL Subscribers)
2. After Sending your Video Profile , send your cv to:
(please put position code in your email subject) latest by 30 September 2009
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